Thoughts about education, math, science, critical thinking, and the need for the absence of religion

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

About me and critical thinkers

Hey all,

I'm a math geek, love science, and crave the need for people to have intelligent coherent thoughts. Life without critical thinking is...not productive, and truly a waste of time. There are two reasons that directed be away from religion and towards reason.

The first is the intolerance of religion...any religion. I just cannot in be part of an organization that says they live by the word of the lord and bible, but show such intolerance of people that are different. I am not saying that the problem was one particular member in the church, but there are too many members that have different ideoligies than I, both politically and socially. I would just like to remind everyone in any congregation that jesus was the ultimate socialist and therefore the republican ideals are against the church.

The second reason is more clear. I have always been a person of math, science, logic, and critical thinking. No matter how hard I tried, I cannot believe in god of the bible. Science tells me prayer does not work. Science tells me that miracles have real cause and not influenced by an outside force. Science, logic, and critical thinking tell me there are way too many contradictions in the bible. Science, logic, and critical thinking tell me that there are too many religions each with their own version of god and interpretation of god for there to be one single all powerful force.

I started reading, Dawkins, Hitchens, Thomas Paine, Jefferson, science blogs, freethinking blogs. Again, I was an idiot. But now, I have no worries.

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